Jenkins Cluster on AWS
The platform has a Jenkins cluster with a dedicated Jenkins master and workers inside an autoscaling group. Each push event to the code repository will trigger the Jenkins master which will schedule a new build on one of the available slave nodes.
The slave nodes will be responsible of running the unit and pre-integration tests, building the Docker image, storing the image to a private registry and deploying a container based on that image to Docker Swarm cluster. If you missed my talk, you can watched it again on YouTube - below.
In this post, I will walk through how to deploy the Jenkins cluster on AWS using the latest automation tools.
The cluster will be deployed into a VPC with 2 public and 2 private subnets across 2 availability zones. The stack will consist of an autoscaling group of Jenkins workers in a private subnet and a private instance for the Jenkins master sitting behind an elastic load balancer.
To add or remove Jenkins workers on-demand, the CPU utilization of the ASG will be used to trigger a scale out ( CPU > 80%) or scale in ( CPU < 20%) event.